In this course, we consider the larger picture and the
situated nature of where and how people act and interact with media
technologies. We work with theories, methods and material developed
in successful design companies such as IDEO and Frog Design, which
continue to evolve. The students will work with multiple evaluation
methods that they apply in a hands-on approach that they consider
as part of their ongoing critical reflection to the design process.
The course will give students a better understanding of how chosen
approaches, conceptual frameworks and methods produce different
kinds of possible analyses for both the development, use and
improvement of media technologies.
The students will understand and apply selected
user-centered, contextual and situational theories which can
include ethnographic, psychological and sociological approaches and
methods when analysing the use of media technology. The
course will cover some of the large ranges of responses (e.g.,
interaction, reaction, deliberation, active and passive engagement)
users can make when consuming media technologies, and provide
students with methodological and analytic tools to analyse these
responses in a given context and to implement these tools in their
future design work.
Students who complete the module will obtain the following qualifications:
Students who complete the module will obtain the following qualifications:
Students who complete the module will obtain the following qualifications:
Refer to the overview of instruction types listed in the start of chapter 3. The types of instruction for this course are decided in accordance with the current Joint Programme Regulations and directions are decided and given by the Study Board for Media Technology.
Name of exam | Ethnographically Informed Design |
Type of exam | Written or oral exam
In accordance with the current Joint Programme Regulations and
directions on examination from the
Study Board for Media Technology: To be eligible to take the exam the student must have fulfilled: • handing in of written assignments or the like • completion of certain – or all – study activities Note that if admittance to the exam or parts of the assessment is to be based on written work or exercises, a deadline is stipulated for when the work must be handed in. Individual oral or written examination with internal censor. The assessment is performed in ac-cordance with the 7-point scale. |
ECTS | 5 |
Permitted aids | With certain aids:
See semester description |
Assessment | 7-point grading scale |
Type of grading | Internal examination |
Criteria of assessment | The criteria for the evaluation are specified in the Joint Programme Regulations . |
Danish title | Etnografisk inspireret design |
Module code | MSNMEDB6173 |
Module type | Course |
Duration | 1 semester |
Semester | Spring
ECTS | 5 |
Language of instruction | English |
Location of the lecture | Campus Aalborg, Campus Copenhagen |
Responsible for the module | |
Used in |
Study Board | Study Board of Media Technology |
Department | Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology |
Faculty | Technical Faculty of IT and Design |