Principles of Marketing and Marketing Management - MMA


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

Learning objectives


  • Demonstrate basic knowledge of marketing theory and marketing strategy (Introduction to the field and overview of theory)
  • Demonstrate basic knowledge of marketing considerations regarding product properties, branding, packaging, price, costs of innovation, distribution, promotion, key stakeholders, corporate branding, segmentation, product development (user-driven).
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of a customer focus (i.e. learning to focus on the customer; the need to know something about the customer in order to make strategic decisions)
  • Demonstrate knowledge of Applied Methods in Market Analysis
  • Demonstrate basic knowledge of marketing in the health sector, including an introduction to business planning and implementing marketing activities in Denmark.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of market access tasks in a company, including knowledge of companies’ work relative to doctors and patients (and patient associations, researchers, etc.) with an eye toward the use of medicine (both the introduction of new medicines, as well as sustaining the market over time) and collaboration/negotiation with authorities
  • Demonstrate knowledge of pricing in selected countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark and Sweden


  • Use the methods of the field to analyse a given market issue
  • Identify company needs for information/knowledge on key market conditions
  • Design and conduct interviews as part of a market study
  • Outline the content of a simple marketing initiative based on context and formulation of the problem


  • Understand the need of pharmaceutical companies for information on markets
  • Understand companies’ organisation of market analyses and marketing activities

Type of instruction

  • Teaching varies between lectures, workshops, (group) exercises and individual study.



Name of examPrinciples of Marketing and Marketing Management
Type of exam
Written or oral exam
AssessmentPassed/Not Passed
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentAs stated in the Join Programme Regulations.

Additional information

Please contact the  programme student counsellors if you consider applying to the education and you have questions.

Please consult the Moodle page for your semester and contact the semester coordinator if you have academic questions, or the study secretary if you have administrative questions.

All other enquiries may be directed to Helene Nørgaard, secretary of the Study Board.

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Facts about the module

Danish titlePrincipper inden for markedsføring og markedsføringsledelse - MMA
Module codeMEDMS13K1_6
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module
Used in


Study BoardStudy Board of Medicine
DepartmentDepartment of Clinical Medicine
FacultyThe Faculty of Medicine

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