Molecular Pathogenesis - BM


Prerequisite/Recommended prerequisite for participation in the module

Passed course in general pathology (module 4.3 of the AAU Medicine/MedIS bachelor programme or equivalent).

Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

Learning objectives


  • Demonstrate relevant knowledge of all topics taught in the bachelor education in Medicine with Industrial Specialization


  • Elaborate on how disease processes may originate from common hazards like oxidative stress, inflammation, autoimmunity, pathogens, atherosclerosis, carcinogens, hemorrhagic diathesis, and genetic deficiencies.
  • Reflect upon the temporal aspect of disease progression
  • Understand how aging affects health and tendency towards disease manifestations
  • Evaluate and compare the causative roles of oxidative stress, inflammation, autoimmunity, pathogens, atherosclerosis, carcinogens, hemorrhagic diathesis, and genetic deficiencies in the pathogenetic mechanisms leading to major human diseases


  • Synthesize knowledge about how common diseases arise in man and be able to suggest likely targets for therapy based on genetic and phenotypic manifestations

Type of instruction

Modules consisting of lectures by university staff, experts from hospitals or other universities in Denmark, presentations by students, and work with scientific papers and study problems.



Name of examMolecular Pathogenesis
Type of exam
Active participation/continuous evaluation
AssessmentPassed/Not Passed
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentAs stated in the Joint Programme Regulations.

Additional information

Please contact the  programme student counsellors if you consider applying to the education and you have questions.

Please consult the Moodle page for your semester and contact the semester coordinator if you have academic questions, or the study secretary if you have administrative questions.

All other enquiries may be directed to Helene Nørgaard, secretary of the Study Board.

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Facts about the module

Danish titleMolekylær patogenese - BM
Module codeMEDMS13K1_1
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module
Used in


Study BoardStudy Board of Medicine
DepartmentDepartment of Clinical Medicine
FacultyThe Faculty of Medicine

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