ICT Based Data Collection and Analysis


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

The module will introduce students to ICT based data collection and analysis offering a number of opportunities to obtain vast amounts of data on the use of for example Web based ICT solutions with relative ease. These opportunities call for fundamental consideration of options and problems, including ethical concerns on the significance of the potentially extensive mappings of individual user behaviour. During the course of the module, students will engage in ICT based data collection and analysis for the support of ICT user analyses and pilot projects.

The module comprises courses and exercises within the following areas:

  • theory and method within ICT based data collection and analysis

  • tools for ICT based data collection and analysis

Literature foundation: Minimum 1000 standard pages supervisor approved, self-selected literature related to the project.

Learning objectives


In this module students will acquire knowledge of:

  • theories and methods at the highest international level as regards qualitative and quantitative oriented data collection and analysis in relation to user analyses and pilot studies

  • ICT systems for data collection and analysis in relation to user analyses and pilot studies

  • principles, including ethical principles, for managing ICT systems for data collection and analysis in relation to user analyses and pilot studies.


In this module students will acquire skills in:

  • assessing and selecting a method for qualitative and quantitative oriented data collection and analysis in relation to user analyses and pilot studies

  • selecting, configuring and adapting ICT systems for qualitative and quantitative oriented data collection and analysis in relation to user analyses and pilot studies

  • communicating methods for ICT based data collection and analysis to peers and laymen

  • communicating results on ICT based data collection and analysis to peers and laymen.


In this module students will acquire competences in:

  • taking an analytical, reflective and critical approach to qualitative and quantitative oriented data collection and analysis in relation to user analyses and pilot studies

  • engaging in interdisciplinary collaboration on ICT based data collection and analysis in relation to user analyses and pilot studies

  • identifying own learning needs and structuring own learning in relation to the subject area of ICT based data collection and analysis in relation to user analyses and pilot studies.



Name of examICT Based Data Collection and Analysis
Type of exam
Written exam
The examination is a three-day take-home assignment on a set topic. On the basis of the module, students will respond to one or a number of questions and assignments within the subject area of the module. The assignment paper must not exceed eight pages, and it must be prepared individually.
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentIn the evaluation of the examination performance, the grade 12 will only be awarded for an excellent performance displaying a high level of command of all aspects of the relevant material, with no or only a few minor weaknesses.
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Facts about the module

Danish titleICT Based Data Collection and Analysis
Module codeKAINFOS183
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
7. semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module
Used in


Study BoardStudy Board of Communication and Digital Media
DepartmentDepartment of Communication and Psychology
FacultyThe Faculty of Humanities

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