The student has the possibility to write a Long Master’s Thesis (over 2 semesters), if the thesis is of experimental character. A Long Master’s Thesis can be chosen as either 45, 50, or 60 ECTS. If choosing to do a Long Master’s Thesis, the amount of experimental work must reflect the allotted ECTS.
The Master’s thesis should be approved by the Board of Studies. It will be done as problem based project work, where the student will develop:
• Either specialist information on one or a few chosen elements
of the relevant topic.
• Or broader insight in the topic with regards to theory,
methodology, key elements and their mutual contextual relations.
• Or competencies that, in a relevant way, support and expand the
actual competence profile of the student.
• Applying nanotechnology.
• Identifying, formulating and analysing actual problems using
independent, systematic and critical thinking.
• Relating a problem to the scientific area in question and justify
the choices made with regards to the problem definition in a
relevant way.
• Independently making and justifying the choice of scientific
theoretical and/or experimental methods.
• The ability to independently apply critical thinking to evaluate
both the chosen theory and methodology, as well as to evaluate the
analysis, results and conclusions of the project both during and at
the end of the project.
• Presenting relevant academic and professional aspects of the
project work in a clear and systematic way.
Project work.
This is a 50 ECTS project module and the work load is expected to be 1500 hours for the student.
Name of exam | Master’s Thesis (50 ECTS) |
Type of exam | Oral exam based on a project |
ECTS | 50 |
Permitted aids | All written and all electronic aids |
Assessment | 7-point grading scale |
Type of grading | External examination |
Criteria of assessment | As stated in the Joint Programme Regulations. |
Danish title | Kandidatspeciale (50 ECTS) |
Module code | F-NFM-K3-6 |
Module type | Project |
Duration | 2 semesters |
Semester | Autumn
ECTS | 50 |
Language of instruction | English |
Location of the lecture | Campus Aalborg |
Responsible for the module | |
Used in |
Study Board | Study Board of Mathematics, Physics and Nanotechnology |
Department | Department of Mathematical Sciences |
Faculty | Faculty of Engineering and Science |