Must have knowledge and understanding of basic biosensors design
Must have knowledge and understanding of major phenomena used in
biosensing, including optical, surface plasmon resonance, and
electro-chemical based systems
Must have knowledge and understanding of surface bound reactions
and their kinetics.
Must be able to apply their knowledge about biosensor design to
real problems
Must have the knowledge how to make a business case for a
Should understand scientific methods and theories in relation to
the topic of the project
Must be able to apply the acquired knowledge to the design of
functional biosensors and measurement protocols
Must be able to perform measurements using the designed biosensor
ex-periment , process data and draw conclusions about the
investigated reac-tions and the biosensor performance
Must be able to evaluate practical biosensor designs and
Must be able to perform a cost-benefit analysis for a
Must have working knowledge and basic skills for designing,
evaluating and experimental handling of biosensor devices
Must be able to understand and apply knowledge necessary to
create functional biosensors
Must be able to reflect over relevant theories and methods used
for bio-sensor design
Must be able to assess basic economic conditions for the
development and commissioning of biosensors
Project work with supervision. The economic part of the project will be sup-ported by a number of lectures covering basic business economy.
Kursusmodulets omfang er 15 ECTS svarende til 450 timers studieindsats.
Prøvens navn | Bachelorprojekt |
Prøveform | Mundtlig pba. projekt |
ECTS | 15 |
Bedømmelsesform | 7-trins-skala |
Censur | Ekstern prøve |
Vurderingskriterier | Som angivet i Fællesbestemmelser for uddannelser: |
Engelsk titel | BSc Project (Biosensors) 15 ECTS |
Modulkode | F-NAN-B6-1-6 |
Modultype | Projekt |
Varighed | 1 semester |
Semester | Forår
ECTS | 15 |
Undervisningssted | Campus Aalborg |
Modulansvarlig | |
Censornorm | C |
Indgår i |
Studienævn | Studienævnet for Matematik, Fysik og Nanoteknologi |
Institut | Institut for Matematiske Fag |
Fakultet | Det Ingeniør- og Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet |