Problem Based Learning in Science, Technology and Society


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

To enable the student to approach real-life complex problems in a methodical manner, and to carry out project work, planning and documentation in a structured way.

Learning objectives


  • Must be able to explain basic learning theory
  • Must be able to explain techniques for planning and management of projects
  • Must be able to explain different approaches to problem-based learning (PBL), including the so-called Aalborg model based on problems that are part of a social and/or humanistic context
  • Must be able to explain different approaches to analysis and assessment of problems and solutions within engineering, natural and health sciences from a theoretical, ethical, and societal perspective
  • Must be able to explain how these methods can be applied within robotics 


  • Must be able to plan and manage a problem-based study project
  • Must be able to analyse the project group's organisation and cooperation in order to identify strengths and weaknesses, and suggest how cooperation in future groups can be improved based on this analysis
  • Must be able to reflect on the causes and devise possible solutions to any group conflicts
  • Must be able to analyse and evaluate their own study work and learning, in order to identify strengths and weaknesses, and use these reflections to consider further study and group work
  • Must be able to reflect upon the methods used from a theoretical perspective
  • Must be able to identify relevant areas of focus, concepts and methods to assess and develop technical solutions under consideration of the social and humanistic contexts that solution must be a part of


  • Must be able to take part in a team-based project
  • Must be able to document and present work carried out in a project
  • Must be able to reflect upon and develop his/her own learning
  • Must be able to engage in and improve upon the collaborative learning processes
  • Must be able to reflect upon his/her professional activities in relation to the surrounding community

Type of instruction

See the general description of the types of instruction described in the introduction to Chapter 3.



Name of examProblem Based Learning in Science, Technology and Society
Type of exam
Written or oral exam
AssessmentPassed/Not Passed
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentAs sted in the Joint Programme Regulations
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Facts about the module

Danish titleProblembaseret læring i videnskab, teknologi og samfund
Module codeESNROBB1K2
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
Empty-place SchemeYes
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module
Used in


Study BoardStudy Board of Electronics and IT
DepartmentDepartment of Electronic Systems
FacultyTechnical Faculty of IT and Design

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