Grundlæggende programmering


Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

Students who complete the module obtain a solid foundation in working with computers and other digital devices, which will be built upon in future coursework to enable programming for different media platforms and working with analog and digital sensors.

Furthermore, to provide the student with a foundation and basic introduction for the systematic development of programs using object oriented modeling and programming. The student should acquire an understanding of basic concepts and mechanisms in an object oriented programming language such that the student is able to use the language and associated class library to implement small programs



  • Understanding of flow control structures, both logical (e.g., if, case), and loop (e.g., for, while)
  • Understanding data types and structures (e.g., array, struct, list)
  • Understanding functions
  • Understanding basic principles of Object Oriented programming, such as using application programming interfaces (APIs), the need to create custom classes, concepts of access (e.g., public, private, protected) and the concepts of inheritance, composition and encapsulation
  • Understanding of design methodologies for programming and understanding of the distinction between good and bad programming practices
  • Understanding of programming design patterns


  • Ability to apply knowledge to the design of a simple event-driven interactive interface, e.g., a simple game
  • Interpret and analyze programming code and work out manually
  • Ability to apply programming skills to the implementation of input devices, e.g., keyboard, mouse
  • Ability to apply programming skills to the design and implementation of basic functions and classes
  • Synthesize built-in functions and classes from APIs
  • Ability to apply knowledge to the systematic design of software with proper documentation
  • Must be able to plan and perform systematic test of small programs (application)


  • Evaluate existing code, judge its design and recommend changes
  • Must have competencies in using object oriented programming in solving programming tasks, especially programming tasks related to Medialogy, communication and IT/New Media (application)


Jf. beskrivelsen i starten af kapitel 3.



Prøvens navnGrundlæggende programmering
Skriftlig eller mundtlig
BedømmelsesformBestået/ikke bestået
CensurIntern prøve
VurderingskriterierSom angivet i Fællesbestemmelser for uddannelse

Fakta om modulet

Engelsk titelIntroduction to Programming
Varighed1 semester
UndervisningsstedCampus Aalborg


StudienævnStudienævnet for Elektronik og IT
InstitutInstitut for Elektroniske Systemer
FakultetDet Tekniske Fakultet for IT og Design