Bachelorprojekt (Informationsbehandlende systemer)


Forudsætninger/Anbefalede forudsætninger for at deltage i modulet

Kompetencer svarende til forudgående semestre

Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

One of the cornerstones in modern engineering is automatic interpretation of measurable signals. As an example consider recycling of glass bottles. When you place a used bottle in a reverse vending machine in your local grocery store, a sensor(here a camera) takes a picture of the bottle and automatically extracts characteristics (known as features) such as dimensions, shape, color etc. These features are then fed to a classification process where they are compared with prototypical features stored in a database. The classifier then makes a decision regarding the type of bottle and whether it is broken or not.

The purpose of this project module is for the students to work with a concrete problem where they first extract relevant features from some input signal, e.g., audio or video, and then classify the input into a number of different categories



  • Must have knowledge about the building blocks in a generic classification system
  • Must be able to understand how a particular classification system e.g. the semester project of the student, relates to similar systems and to the surrounding society


  • Must be able to analyze a problem and, if possible, suggest a solution that uses relevant theories and methods within the fields of feature extraction and classification
  • Must be able to analyze a system that includes feature extraction and/or classification and identify relevant constraints and assessment criteria. This relates to the technical aspects of the system and (if relevant) the usefulness to society
  • Must be able to synthesize, i.e., design and implement, a system (or parts thereof) using relevant feature extraction and classification theories and methods
  • Must be able to evaluate a classification system (or parts thereof) with respect to the afore mentioned assessment criteria  
  • Must be able to communicate the above knowledge and skills (using terminology of the field), both orally and in a written report


  • Must be able to select and extract relevant features and apply these in a new context
  • Must be able to plan, structure and execute a project, within the subject- field of this project module


Projektarbejde suppleret med studiekredse, forelæsninger, o.l.

Projektgruppen skal udarbejde en rapport og en procesanalyse



Prøvens navnBachelorprojekt (Informationsbehandlende systemer)
Mundtlig pba. projekt
CensurEkstern prøve
VurderingskriterierSom angivet i Fællesbestemmelser for uddannelser
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Fakta om modulet

Engelsk titelBSc Project (Information Processing Systems)
Varighed1 semester
UndervisningsstedCampus Aalborg


StudienævnStudienævnet for Elektronik og IT
InstitutInstitut for Elektroniske Systemer
FakultetDet Tekniske Fakultet for IT og Design

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