Prerequisite/Recommended prerequisite for
participation in the module
The master’s thesis builds on knowledge obtained during the 1st –
3rd semester
Content, progress and pedagogy of the
The master thesis can be conducted as a long master thesis.
If choosing to do a long master thesis, it has to include
experimental work and has to be approved by the study board. The
amount of experimental work must reflect the allotted
Learning objectives
- have knowledge, at the highest international level of research,
of at least one of the core fields of the education
- have comprehension of implications of research (research
- are able to reflect on a scientific basis on their
- can argue for the relevance of the chosen problem to the
education including specifically account for the core of the
problem and the technical connections in which it appears
- can account for possible methods to solve the problem
statements of the project, describe and assess the applicability of
the chosen method including account for the chosen delimitation and
the way these will influence on the results of the product
- can analyze and describe the chosen problem applying relevant
theories, methods and experimental data
- are able to describe the relevant theories and methods in a way
that highlights the characteristics and hereby document knowledge
of the applied theories, methods, possibilities and delimitations
within the relevant problem area
- have the ability to analyze and assess experimental data,
including the effect the assessment method has on the validity of
the results.
- are able to communicate scientific problems in writing and
orally to specialist and non-specialist.
- are able to control situations that are complex, unpredictable
and which require new solutions,
- are able to independently initiate and to perform collaboration
within the discipline and interdisciplinary as well, and to take
professional responsibility,
- are able to independently take responsibility for his or her
own professional development and specialization.
Type of instruction
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3.
Problem based project oriented project work individual or in
groups of 2-3 persons