Valgfag - International markedsføring


Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

The module will provide knowledge about intercultural challenges in marketing. The course consists of the following components:

  • Cultural theories and concepts and their applications in marketing.

  • Consumer behavior, the influence of culture and the reactions to foreign products/services and brands

    Marketing strategy and especially how to design an international marketing strategy.



The student must through the module obtain knowledge about:

  • The students should understand key concepts within international marketing with a special focus on the intercultural challenges of marketing, thereby improving students’ understanding of how cross- cultural issues influences international marketing strategies.

  • The students should understand the coherence between the company and its international environment in relation to designing and implementing international marketing strategy.



The student must through the module obtain skills in:

  • The students must be able to identify and assess specific marketing challenges that arise in the international marketing context.

  • The students must be able to analyze the situation of the company and based on this decide if the company should follow a differentiation of standardization strategy and what specific parameters are involved.


The student must through the module obtain competencies to:

  • Students should be able to assess the outcomes of alternative marketing strategies in cross-cultural contexts.
  • Students should be able to conduct effective problem solving in the case of international marketing and especially in relation to solve problems in relation to how culture influences international marketing.

  • Having followed this course, the student should furthermore be able to formulate, analyze, derive and evaluate international marketing strategies.



Prøvens navnElective – International marketing
Tilladte hjælpemidler
Alle skriftlige og alle elektroniske hjælpemidler
CensurIntern prøve
VurderingskriterierThe grade 12 is given for an excellent performance which, considering the above learning goals, displays extensive and reflecting fulfilment of the objectives of the module with no or only a few minor weaknesses. The grade 02 is given for a performance meeting only the minimum requirements for acceptance considering the above learning goals.
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Fakta om modulet

Engelsk titelElective – International marketing
Varighed1 semester
UndervisningsstedCampus Aalborg
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StudienævnStudienævnet for Erhvervsøkonomi
InstitutInstitut for Økonomi og Ledelse
FakultetDet Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet

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