Stivhedsanalyse af bærende konstruktioner


Forudsætninger/Anbefalede forudsætninger for at deltage i modulet


Students holding a bachelor degree from another university than Aalborg University must pass the module Problem Based Learning and Project Management at Aalborg University, prior to sitting the exam.

The module builds on knowledge gained in the courses Structural Mechanics and Dynamics, Material Modelling in Civil Engineering, Fluid and Water Wave Dynamics

Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik


Students who complete the module:




  • Know fundamental theories and methods for analysis of structures subject to static loads.
  • Understand the behaviour of structures subject to static loading regarding their deformation.
  • Understand the solution procedure in Finite Element Analysis of linear elastic static problems.
  • Understand methodology for design of experiments and test series and for reduction of ambiguity of experimental results, and for comparability with model predictions.
  • Understand elementary and advanced quantification tools, and their application to validation between model and experiment data.
  • Have a basic knowledge and understanding of experimental work, including test planning, test conduction, different types of test equipment, modelling of uncertainties and comparison of model and test results using statistical methods.



  • Use the correct terminology for structural analysis and design.
  • Be able to apply analytical solution methods based on continuum mechanics for selected static problems.
  • Be able to develop and implement a Finite Element software code for analysis of a selected simple structure subject to static loading.
  • Be able to use a commercial Finite Element code for analysing a given static structural problem.
  • Be able to plan and set up a test for determining basic material properties.
  • Be able to plan and set up a test for finding the strength and stiffness of a given structure.
  • Be able to perform a probabilistic study of the experimental data in order to quantify the influence of individual parameters.
  • Be able to scrutinize a model (analytical or numerical) for comparison with an appropriate experimental study.
  • Be able to perform a probabilistic study of the model in order to quantify the level of confidence.
  • Be able to count for the level of coherence between test results and model predictions.
  • Be able to identify invalid data (outliers).
  • Be able to account for common errors and limitations in the processing of model data of experimentally obtained data.



  • Be able to select appropriate analysis methods for a given structural problem, including analytical, numerical and experimental analysis methods.
  • Be able to compare results obtained from different analysis methods and be able to judge the quality of the results.
  • Be able to undertake experiment planning and execution for refinement and validation (or rejection) of model-based predictions of phenomena within structural and civil Engineering.
  • Be able to quantify errors associated with different types of analysis and evaluate the methods regarding assumptions and simplifications.
  • Must be able to communicate the results of the project work in a project report.
  • Must be able to contribute successfully to teamwork within the problem area and make a common presentation of the result of the project work.


Type of instruction

Project work with supervision supplemented with instructions, workshops, presentation seminars, lab tests, etc.

Omfang og forventet arbejdsindsats

The module is 10 ECTS which is corresponding to 300 hours of study.



Prøvens navnStivhedsanalyse af bærende konstruktioner
Mundtlig pba. projekt
Exam format:

Individual oral exam based on presentation seminar and project rapport.
CensurIntern prøve
VurderingskriterierEvaluation criteria:

As stated in the Joint Programme Regulations


Fakta om modulet

Engelsk titelStiffness Analysis of Load-Bearing Structures
Varighed1 semester
UndervisningssprogDansk og engelsk
UndervisningsstedCampus Esbjerg


StudienævnStudienævnet for Byggeri og Anlæg
InstitutInstitut for Byggeri og Anlæg
FakultetDet Ingeniør- og Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet