Mobilities and Tracking Technologies


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

The objective is to introduce the students to the analysis and implementation of tracking technologies in the context of contemporary mobilities. On the background of the ‘mobilities turn’ the module explores technologies such as GPS, RFID, Bluetooth, etc., as a tool for mobilities analysis and intervention. The module aims at integrating analytical and theoretical understandings of tracking technologies with practical and methodological explorations of the technologies. 

Students who complete the module:

Learning objectives


  • Must have knowledge of tracking and location-based technologies and methods for the exploration of the application of new hardware and software products in understanding contemporary mobilities
  • Must have knowledge of tracking technologies as method


  • Must be able to further develop their skills in creating representations and visualisations of location-based data
  • Must be able to further develop their analytical skills in analysing the implications of new tracking technologies for mobilities in contemporary society


  • Must have competencies in assessing normative, cultural and ethical repercussions of pervasive mobilities monitoring and tracking technologies

Type of instruction

Supervision and plenary sessions



Name of examMobilities and Tracking Technologies
Type of exam
Written or oral exam
Permitted aids
Without aids
AssessmentPassed/Not Passed
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentAs stated in the Joint Program Regulations
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Facts about the module

Danish titleMobiliteter og trackingteknologier
Module codeAODMPM2K177
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module
Used in


Study BoardStudy Board of Architecture & Design
DepartmentDepartment of Architecture, Design and Media Technology
FacultyTechnical Faculty of IT and Design

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