Kandidatspeciale - lang afgang


Forudsætninger/Anbefalede forudsætninger for at deltage i modulet

The student must have knowledge, skills and competencies within the architectural design and engineering field corresponding to the completion of the MSc01 - MSc03 Architectural Engineering education or similar.

Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

The final semester sets the stage of manifestation of the students’ abilities to make design solutions. The students must define a problem and display the ability to achieve a design proposal in an integrated whole. The work must include relevant theories and methodologies and be based on the skills and competencies acquired throughout the Master’s programme in architecture.

Students who complete the module:



  • Must demonstrate knowledge and understanding within the field of specialisation at a high international level
  • Must be able to critically assess knowledge and identify problems within the field of specialisation
  • Must demonstrate the ability to select appropriate research based knowledge in the process


  • Must be able to use an advanced integrated design process
  • Must be able to independently motivate their choice of methods or/and theoretical approach
  • Must be able to demonstrate the acquired skills in tectonics and sustainability in accordance with and at a level suitable to the chosen theme of the master thesis
  • Must be able to apply a range of methods within the field of engineering and architecture and demonstrate the use of selected parameters in engineering within the field of specialisation
  • Must be able to communicate in a clear and systematic way relevant scientific and professional aspects of the project work both to peer and non-peer


  • Can independently develop a project based on a specific problem within the field of specialisation to the highest international standards
  • Can be competent in finding an integrated design solution of Tectonic and Sustainable architecture and make a design that fulfill all predefined criteria
  • Can anticipate and solve problems and make a synthesis in the design that includes the technical, functional and aesthetic qualities
  • Must be able to present the results of the project work professionally


See general description of the types of instruction described in the introduction to Chapter 3.



Prøvens navnMaster’s Thesis
Tilladte hjælpemidler
Uden hjælpemidler
CensurEkstern prøve
VurderingskriterierAs stated in the framework Provisions.
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Fakta om modulet

Engelsk titelLong Master's Thesis
Varighed2 semestre
UndervisningsstedCampus Aalborg
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StudienævnStudienævnet for Arkitektur & Design
InstitutInstitut for Arkitektur og Medieteknologi
FakultetDet Tekniske Fakultet for IT og Design

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